
"Zacznijmy naukę wiersza poleceń!"

zrzuty ekranu (tekst)

GNU Linux (BASH) - Linux Mint [Debian-based distro]
karol@aspireOne:/$ neofetch
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmds+.        karol@aspireOne 
MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+`     --------------- 
MMd      /++                -sNMd:    OS: Linux Mint 19 Tara x86_64 
MMNso/`  dMM    `.::-. .-::.` .hMN:   Host: Aspire One 522 V1.12 
ddddMMh  dMM   :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm   Kernel: 4.15.0-42-generic 
    NMm  dMM  .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM   Uptime: 1 day, 14 hours, 38 mins 
    NMm  dMM  -MMm  `MMM   dMM. dMM   Packages: 2294 
    NMm  dMM  -MMm  `MMM   dMM. dMM   Shell: bash 4.4.19 
    NMm  dMM  .mmd  `mmm   yMM. dMM   Resolution: 1280x720 
    NMm  dMM`  ..`   ...   ydm. dMM   DE: Cinnamon 3.8.9 
    hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds  dMM   WM: Mutter (Muffin) 
    -NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/`  dMM   WM Theme: New-Minty (Mint-Y) 
     -dMNs-``-::::-------.``    dMM   Theme: Mint-Y [GTK2/3] 
      `/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM   Icons: Mint-Y [GTK2/3] 
         ./ydNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   Terminal: gnome-terminal 
            .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM      CPU: AMD C-60 APU (2) @ 1.000GHz 
                                      GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6290 
                                      Memory: 993MiB / 1720MiB 

GNU Linux (BASH) - Linux Mint [Debian-based distro]
../                                   ││                                      │
│1 Archive - Again (You All [16:17|MP3]││                                      │
│6 Archive - Lights (Lights)[27:35|MP3]││                                      │
Cemeteries - Sodus (320  kb[06:39|MP3]││                                      │
│                                      ││                                      │
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├────┤Playing...               ├──────────┤       Master 100%  ├───┤ 000:50:31├┤
|| Cemeteries - Sodus (320  kbps).mp3
00:05 06:34 [06:39]   44kHz  320kbps [STEREO] [NET] [SHUFFLE] [REPEAT] [NEXT]
└┤                                                                            ├┘
GNU Linux (BASH) - Linux Mint [Debian-based distro]
  Lewy     Plik     Polecenie     Opcje     Prawy
┌<─ /etc ─────────────────────────.[^]>┐┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
.n     Nazwa      RozmiarCzas modyfi││/etc/hostname                     100%
│ fstab            │    594│ 2.08 14∶03││core2duo                              │
│ fuse.conf        │    280│20.06.2014 ││                                      │
│ gai.conf         │   2584│ 1.02.2018 ││                                      │
│ group            │   1006│28.08 11∶00││                                      │
│ group-           │    989│ 4.08 10∶55││                                      │
│ gshadow          │    839│28.08 11∶00││                                      │
│ gshadow-         │    825│ 4.08 10∶55││                                      │
 hddtemp.db          674821.01.2018 ││                                      │
│ hdparm.conf      │   4861│22.02.2018 ││                                      │
│ host.conf        │     92│ 9.04.2018 ││                                      │
│ hostname         │      9│ 2.08 14∶07││                                      │
│ hosts            │    223│ 2.08 14∶07││                                      │
│ hosts.allow      │    411│29.07 12∶55││                                      │
│ hosts.deny       │    711│29.07 12∶55││                                      │
│ inputrc          │   1748│15.05.2017 ││                                      │
├──────────────────────────────────────┤│                                      │
│ hostname                             ││                                      │
└───────────────────── 5507M/54G (9%) ─┘└──────────────────────────────────────┘
Porada: ustawienie zmiennej CDPATH może zaoszczędzić pisania przy cd.
karol@core2duo:/etc$                                                         [^]
 1Pomoc  2Odwiń  3Podgld 4Szesn  5Idź do 6       7Szukaj 8Orygnł 9WDół  10
GNU Linux (BASH) - Linux Mint [Debian-based distro]
/home/ka~gram.cpp   [----]  1 L:[  1+ 9  10/ 10] *(124 / 124b) <EOF>      [*][X]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a;
    cout << "hello" << endl;
    cin >> a;
    return 0;

 1Pomoc  2Zapisz 3Zazncz 4Zastąp 5Kopiuj 6Przen  7Szukaj 8Usuń   9WDół  10Kończ
GNU Linux (BASH) - Linux Mint [Debian-based distro]
  GNU nano 2.9.3                      grub                                      

# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

^G Pomoc     ^O Zapisz    ^W Wyszukaj  ^K Wytnij    ^J Wyjustuj  ^C Bież.poz.
^X Wyjdź     ^R Wczyt.plik^\ Zastąp    ^U Odnów Teks^T Pisownia  ^_ Przejdź do l
  Name           Total           Conventional       Upper Memory                
  --------  ----------------   ----------------   ----------------              
  SYSTEM      16,784   (16K)     10,480   (10K)      6,304    (6K)              
  COMMAND      4,064    (4K)          0    (0K)      4,064    (4K)              
  UDVD2        2,000    (2K)          0    (0K)      2,000    (2K)              
  FDAPM          928    (1K)          0    (0K)        928    (1K)              
  CTMOUSE      3,104    (3K)          0    (0K)      3,104    (3K)              
  SHSUCDX     11,008   (11K)          0    (0K)     11,008   (11K)              
  Free       710,896  (694K)    640,496  (625K)     70,400   (69K)              
  Drives Assigned                                                               
Drive  Driver   Unit                                                            
  D:   FDCD0001   0                                                             
2 drive(s) available.                                                           
Done processing startup files C:\FDCONFIG.SYS and C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT               
Type HELP to get support on commands and navigation.                            
Welcome to the FreeDOS 1.2 operating system (http://www.freedos.org)            
FreeCom version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:29:00]                       
 Volume in drive C is FREEDOS2016                                               
 Volume Serial Number is 1D11-1711                                              
 Directory of C:\                                                               
APPS                 <DIR>  12-24-2019  9:43p                                   
FDOS                 <DIR>  12-14-2019  3:46p                                   
INSTALLS             <DIR>  12-24-2019  9:43p                                   
MUSIC                <DIR>  12-22-2019  4:36p                                   
AUTOEXEC BAT         1,319  12-14-2019  3:48p                                   
CONFIG   SYS             0  12-14-2019  4:21p                                   
FDCONFIG SYS           762  12-14-2019  3:48p                                   
KERNEL   SYS        46,685  05-11-2016  9:42p                                   
         4 file(s)         48,766 bytes                                         
         4 dir(s)     984,907,776 bytes free                                    
Memory Type        Total       Used       Free              
----------------  --------   --------   --------            
Conventional          636K        15K       621K            
Upper                  96K        28K        68K            
Reserved              292K       292K         0K            
Extended (XMS)   2,096,064K 2,086,466K     9,598K           
----------------  --------   --------   --------            
Total memory     2,097,088K 2,086,801K    10,287K           
Total under 1 MB      732K        43K       689K            
Total Expanded (EMS)                8,576K (8,781,824 bytes)
Free Expanded (EMS)                 8,192K (8,388,608 bytes)
Largest executable program size       621K (635,952 bytes)  
Largest free upper memory block        68K ( 69,344 bytes)  
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.                
Windows 10 - Command Prompt
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1082]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

C:\Users\Karol>help help
Provides help information for Windows commands.

HELP [command]

    command - displays help information on that command.


    655360 bytes total conventional memory
    655360 bytes available to MS-DOS
    632640 largest executable program size

   1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory
         0 bytes available contiguous extended memory
    941056 bytes available XMS memory
           MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area


Windows 10 - Command Prompt
 Volume in drive C is Win10
 Volume Serial Number is 73ED-CC22

 Directory of C:\Users\Karol

29.09.2020  17:59    <DIR>          .
29.09.2020  17:59    <DIR>          ..
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          3D Objects
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Contacts
30.09.2020  08:47    <DIR>          Desktop
30.10.2020  21:36    <DIR>          Documents
30.09.2020  01:25    <DIR>          Downloads
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Favorites
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Links
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Music
29.09.2020  18:00    <DIR>          OneDrive
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Pictures
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Saved Games
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Searches
30.09.2020  01:04    <DIR>          Videos
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              15 Dir(s)  85 197 561 856 bytes free


PS C:\Users\Karol> get-childitem

    Directory: C:\Users\Karol

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                3D Objects
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Contacts
d-r---       30.09.2020     09:47                Desktop
d-r---       30.10.2020     21:40                Documents
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:25                Downloads
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Favorites
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Links
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Music
d-r---       29.09.2020     19:00                OneDrive
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Pictures
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Saved Games
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Searches
d-r---       30.09.2020     02:04                Videos

PS C:\Users\Karol>